Monday, August 24, 2009

La rentrée 2009

Rowan had his first day of school today. It was actually more like an orientation because it was just a partial day (or a partial day of a partial day, since this first year of kindergarten he only goes one full day on Thursdays. The other four are just half days). My friend Jen, another American who lives in our apartment building, watched Niamh and Muriel so I could take Rowan without so many distractions.

This first day the parents stayed for about thirty minutes or so. We then we left and returned to pick the children up after about an hour and a half. There are two years of kindergarten here, and this morning there were only new kids--or first year kids. Tomorrow will be a normal day, for the full time, and with the whole class (first and second year is all in one class).

There was one boy he knew who attended Jardin d'Enfants with him the past two years. And out of six new kids in the class, four were English speakers. Good for his comfort level, not so good for the learning french. Rowan told me he did not have a very good day because I didn't stay with him. I suspect that he did okay. There were no tears so it must not have been too bad!

As for me, I met three moms who are native English speakers. Which, as with Rowan, was nice for my comfort level, but perhaps not so nice for improving my french. Anyway, we all went out for coffee while waiting to pick up the kids. Pat has been saying for a while that he thinks things will get better here (I've been quite homesick and lonely lately) once Rowan starts school. If this first day is any indication, I think he's right.

putting on his slippers

in the classroom and positively thrilled

on the way home--thrilled again!


  1. Oh, Emily, I'm so sorry, I know how hard it can be to live in a foreign country. I think your husband is right: the new school year will feel good, and also in a new or foreign place one of the best ways to meet friends is through our children's school/sports etc friends, and their parents. Hugs.

  2. Hoping school is a positive experience for both of you. Glad you are both meeting new friends. Wish we lived closer...I'd recommend we meet for gelato instead of coffee (I am not a coffee drinker either!). Hang in there.
