Thursday, August 9, 2007

Look out Paris, here comes Niamh

We're going to Paris on the 16th for 3 nights. Neither Emily nor I have been there before, so we're both very excited. The train leaves from Lausanne at 7:22 AM and gets into Paris almost 4 hours later. I'd been told it only took 3.5 hours, but I guess my multiple sources were incorrect.

We taking the tgv, or as Rowan calls it "super woosh!," which should be a fun experience. Niamh doesn't get a seat, so we'll have to pass her back and forth for the entire trip. The only downside to the train trip is that we only get 1 window seat (Rowan) and two aisles instead of the other way around.

We decided to stay in an apartment instead of a hotel so that we have a little more space and a wall between us and Niamh in the evening. Here is a link the apartment we are staying at.

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