Wednesday, March 11, 2009

August 24th - ready or not!

Rowan's first day of kindergarten is August 24th. He will go to school from 8:30-11:50 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Thursday he will also go from 14:05 to 15:35. His school vacations will be more or less what he has had at preschool:

  • Two weeks in October
  • Two weeks at Christmas
  • One week in February
  • Two weeks in March/April
  • 7 weeks in the summer
I think there might be a few additional days off for things like labor day, but I'm not sure.


  1. Did he get into the school that you were hoping for?

  2. We won't find out which school he goes to until the end of June.
